Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Field Trip

Field Trip – Thursday, January 21st
*Sorry it has taken so long to figure this out! The weather really is unpredictable!

Plan A: Meet at 11:00 a.m. with lunch, sleds, and warm clothes (hat, mittens, coats, waterproof pants) at Sand Ridge Park (2555 N Church St Layton). We will play, have lunch, Miss Mary will have a yummy treat and hot chocolate for everyone!

Plan B: Meet at 11:00 a.m. with lunch, snow toys (no sledding), and warm clothes (hat, mittens, coats, waterproof pants) at Kent Smith Park (Old Hwy Rd & Highland Dr Mt. Green). We will play, have lunch, Miss Mary will have a yummy treat and hot chocolate for everyone!

Check the blog, www. first thing on Thursday morning to find out which plan we will go with. Call if you have any questions!

LET it SNOW! Let it SNOW! Let it SNOW!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

Hey Mary- I think you'll have a better turn out if you have it in Layton so that it is closer for everyone:)