Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mark your calendar!

Christmas Program
December 17th
5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
(note time changed)
The Piano Gallery
5270 South Freeway Pk Dr.
Riverdale, UT
(right off the Roy exit)

I'm thankful for preschool!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast. Thank you to all the parents who planned the activities and brought yummy food. I really appreciate all the support from such wonderful parents! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Pat a Cake, Pat a Cake...

Baker's Man
Cupcake Graph
Mark it with a _____

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

Fire Safety Week

Thank you to firefighters Nathan Jones and Matt from Hill Air Force Fire Department. The kids enjoyed learning about fire safety!

Pick a Pumpkin!

We had a great time at Black Island Farms for our Pumpkin Patch field trip.
(My camera died after the hayride, so if anyone has any great pictures from the field activities, I'd love to have some copies.)

Mom's and Muffins

Thank you to all the moms and dads that have shared a story and snack with the kids. We love to hear a story from our friend's moms and dads. These two moms did such a great job with their book and snack.

Brooke Brooks read us "Where the Wild Things Are" and had the kids make "wild things" out of a twinkie!

Lindsay Featherstone read us "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and brought spider cupcakes.

All of you have done a great job...I just had my camera for these two.

Creepy Crawling Spiders

Little Miss Muffett was scared of a spider...but not us! We observed real spiders with magnifying glasses, counted spider rings, and had these delicious spider snacks. (Thanks to Melissa Layton).

Peter, Peter Pumpkin Seed Counter

How many seeds in a pumpkin? Our 4-5 year old class decided to count. Putting seeds into groups of 10, we counted over 300 seeds. (We had way more to count...but we ran out of time!) We noticed that the biggest pumpkin had the least amount of seeds but they were the largest seeds. It was lots of messy fun!